Value Set and Code System Information
Code System Name NullFlavor
Value Set Code PHVS_SyphilisClinicalStage_CS
Value Set Name Syphilis Clinical Stage (CS)
Value Set Version 1
Value Set Concept Details
Concept Code UNK
Preferred Concept Name unknown
Value Set Concept Status Published
Value Set Concept Status Date 09/15/2014
Value Set Concept Description
Sequence 7
Code System Concept Details
Code System Concept Name unknown
Code System Concept Status Published
Code System Preferred Concept Name unknown
Date Created
Date Revised 05/01/2009
Associated Value Sets
Value Set Name Version(s)
Abnormal Chest X-Ray Finding (TB)  1 
Abnormal Chest X-ray Condition Status  1 
Activity Type (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Activity Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Activity Type Anthrax  1 
Actual Route of Administration (Anthrax)  1 
Acute Convalescent IgG Difference (VPD)  1 
Age Group (Flu)  1 
Age Unit (NETSS)  2 ,  1 
Age Unit (NND)  1 
Age Unit (Syndromic Surveillance)  1 
Age unit  2 ,  1 
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Result (Hepatitis)  2 ,  1 
Animal Exposure Location (Brucellosis)  1 
Animal Ownership (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Animal Species (Animal Rabies)  1 
Animal Type (Anthrax)  1 
Animal Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Animal Type (COVID-19)  1 
Animal Type (FDD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Animal Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Antacids (FDD)  1 
Antibiotic Dose Units (Brucellosis)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Antibiotic Reason (RIBD)  1 
Antibiotic Received (Pertussis)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Antibiotic Received (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Antibiotic Treatment (NETSS)  1 
Antibiotics (FDD)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Antimicrobials (Anthrax)  1 
Assisted Living Exposure Type (RIBD)  1 
Bacterial Infection Syndrome (IPD)  1 
Bird Type (RIBD)  1 
Birth Attendant Titles (NCHS)  3 
Birth Attendees (VPD)  1 
Birth Country  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Birth Location (Listeria)  1 
Birth Location (RIBD)  1 
Birth Location (VPD)  1 
Birth Outcome (Rubella)  2 ,  1 
Birth Outcome (VPD)  1 
Birth Status (NND)  1 
Birth or Delivery Occurred (NCHS)  2 
Blood Contact Frequency (Hepatitis)  1 
Blood Product  1 
Body Region(s) of Rash  2 ,  1 
Brucella Exposure (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
CSF WBC Protein Result (NND)  1 
Campylobacter Nonculture Test Type (BIDS)  1 
Case Class Status (NETSS)  1 
Case Classification Exposure Source  2 ,  1 
Case Classification Status  1 
Case Detection Method  3 ,  2 
Case Investigation Status  3 ,  2 
Case Traced to Carrier  1 
Case Transmission Mode (BIDS)  1 
Case Type (CP-CRE)  1 
Cause of Death Related to TB  1 
Character of Lesions  2 ,  1 
Chest XRay Result  1 
Clinical Finding (COVID-19)  1 
Clinical Manifestations (Anthrax)  1 
Clinical Manifestations (Brucellosis)  1 
Clinical Manifestations (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Clinical Manifestations (STD)  1 
Clinical Outcome (Anthrax)  1 
Clinical Syndrome (Arbovirus)  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Clinician Observed Lesions (STD)  1 
College Living Situation (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Colony Count Magnitude  2 ,  1 
Common-Source Outbreak (Hepatitis A)  1 
Complications (Mumps)  7 ,  6 ,  5 
Condition Status (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Contact Type (Anthrax)  1 
Contact Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Contact Type (COVID-19)  1 
Contact Type (Hepatitis A)  1 
Contact Type (Hepatitis B and C)  1 
Contact Type (RIBD)  1 
Contact Type Hepatitis A (NETSS)  1 
Contributory Tobacco Use (NCHS)  3 ,  2 
Country  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 
Country of Product Acquisition (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
County  3 ,  2 
Critical Infrastructure Sector (NND)  1 
Cruise Line (RIBD)  1 
Current Sex (NND)  1 
Darkfield DFA Result (CS)  1 
Data Reporting Source (CO)  2 ,  1 
Data Reporting Source (COVID-19)  1 
Day Care Setting (FDD)  1 
Decedent Education Level (NCHS)  1 
Definitely Possibly No (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Delivery Routes (NCHS)  2 
Delivery Type (RIBD)  1 
Detection Method (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Detection Method (STD)  2 
Diabetes Status  1 
Diagnosed Pneumonia By (VZ)  1 
Diagnosed by (VZ)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Diagnostic Lab Test Findings (NND)  1 
Diagnostic Test Finding (Anthrax)  1 
Diet Type (Anthrax)  1 
Directly Observed Therapy (TB)  1 
Discharge Location (RIBD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Disease Acquired Jurisdiction  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Disease Acquired Jurisdiction (NETSS)  1 
Disease Outcome Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Disease Stage (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Disposition OPD (NCHS)  1 
Division Vital Statistics (County)  1 
Drinking Water (FDD)  1 
Duration Unit  2 ,  1 
Duration Unit (1)  1 
E. coli Shiga Toxin (BIDS)  1 
E. coli Shiga Toxin Test Type (BIDS)  1 
Emergency Department Acuity  1 
Employment Status  1 
Employment Status (Flu)  1 
Epilinked Case Type (VZ)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Establishment Type (RIBD)  1 
Ethnicity (ARLN)  1 
Ethnicity Detail (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Ethnicity Group (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Ethnicity Group including Unknown  2 ,  1 
Exposure Location (Brucellosis)  1 
Exposure Risk (Brucellosis)  1 
Exposure Setting (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Exposure Setting Master (RIBD)  1 
Exposure Site Category (CO)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Exposure Source (Anthrax)  1 
Exposure Source (Brucellosis)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Exposure Source (CO)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Exposure Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Extended Race Group (Listeria)  1 
Extreme Weather Type (CO)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Facility Type (RIBD)  1 
Fetal Death Cause or Condition (NCHS)  1 
Fetal Death Time Points (NCHS)  1 
Fetal Neonatal Infection Type (FDD)  1 
Fetal Neonatal Specimen Type  1 
Fetal Outcome (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Fetal Presentations (NCHS)  3 
Fetal Remains Disposition Method (NCHS)  1 
Final Treatment Outcome (TB)  1 
Follow-up Attempt Outcome (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Food Cooking Method (FDD)  1 
Food Cooking Method (Trich)  1 
Food Processing Method (FDD)  1 
Food Processing Method (Trich)  1 
Food Product Consumed (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Berries (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Herbs (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Produce (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Water or Mud Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
GAS Risk Factor Interval (RIBD)  1 
Gender (ARLN)  1 
Gender Identity  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Gender Identity (NNDSS)  1 
Gender Identity (STD)  1 
General Condition Status  1 
Generator Distance (CO)  3 ,  2 
Generator Location (CO)  4 
Genotype (Measles)  1 
Genotype (Rubella)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Geographic Region (NETSS)  1 
Gestational Age Determination (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Glove Material (RIBD)  1 
H. influenzae Serotype (RIBD)  1 
HBV DNA Test Result (Hepatitis B Perinatal)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
HBeAg Test Result (Hepatitis B Perinatal)  1 
HBsAg Test Result (Hepatitis B Perinatal)  1 
HIV Diagnosis Based On  1 
HIV Status  1 
HIV Status (STD)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Health Care Practice Type (TB)  1 
Healthcare Exposure Type (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Healthcare Occupation (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Heated Food (Listeria)  1 
Hispanic Ethnic Group (Listeria)  1 
Hospital Procedure (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
IgM Test Type (VZ)  1 
Illness (Listeria)  2 ,  1 
Immigration Status  1 
Immunization Funding Source (IIS)  1 
Immunization Information Source (CRS)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Infant Anti-HCVTest Result (Hepatitis C Perinatal)  1 
Infant HCV Antigen Test Result (Hepatitis C)  1 
Infant Nucleic Acid Test Result (Hepatitis C)  1 
Infection Type (RIBD)  1 
Injury Occurred Environment (NETSS)  1 
Injury Occurred Environment (VPD)  1 
Injury Type (NETSS)  1 
Injury Type (VPD)  1 
Insurance Type (RIBD)  1 
Intent of Exposure (CO)  1 
Job Setting (COVID-19)  1 
Lab Result (Pertussis)  1 
Lab Result (Rubella)  1 
Lab Test (Hansen)  2 
Lab Test Interpretation  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Legionellosis)  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Pertussis)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Trich)  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (VPD)  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Varicella)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation Master (RIBD)  1 
Lab Test Method (MDRO)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Method (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Procedure (Malaria)  1 
Lab Test Procedure (Rubella)  6 ,  5 ,  4 
Lab Test Reactivity (NND)  1 
Lab Test Result (PHLIP Flu)  14 
Lab Test Result Interpretation (NND)  2 
Lab Test Result Lyme (NETSS)  1 
Lab Test Result Qualitative (NND)  3 ,  2 
Lab Test Result Qualitative (Syphilis)  1 
Lab Test Type (Babesiosis)  2 
Lab Test Type (Mumps)  6 ,  5 
Lab Test Type (Pertussis)  6 ,  5 
Late Clinical Manifestation (STD)  1 
Legionella Exposure Setting (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Legionellosis Serogroup (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Lettuce Type (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Likely Contact (Listeria)  1 
LikelyAte (Listeria)  1 
Location Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Manufacturers Of Vaccines (NETSS)  1 
Marital Status HL7  1 
Maternal Infection (FDD)  1 
Meat Consumed Type (Trich)  1 
Meat Purchase Info (FDD)  1 
Meat Purchase Info (Trich)  1 
Medical History (Listeria)  1 
Medication (Brucellosis)  1 
Medication (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Medication Administered (Anthrax)  1 
Medication Administered (FDD)  1 
Medication Administered (Hansen)  1 
Medication Completed (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Medication Missed (Malaria)  1 
Medication Prophylaxis (Malaria)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Medication Received (Lyme)  3 
Medication Received (TBRD)  2 
Medication Received (VZ)  3 
Medication Route (STD)  1 
Medication Treatment (Malaria)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Medication Treatment (STD)  1 
Methods of Disposition (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Microorganism (RIBD)  1 
Microorganism (STD)  1 
Microscopic Exam Culture Site (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Mode of Delivery (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Molecular Indel (TB)  1 
Molecular Test Methods (TB)  1 
Molecular Test Results (TB)  1 
Mother Nucleic Acid Test Result (Perinatal Hep)  1 
N. meningitidis Serogroup (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Neurological Manifestation (STD)  2 ,  1 
No Case Reason (CRS)  1 
Non Pork Type (FDD)  1 
Non-Sterile Specimen (Pediatric Flu)  1 
Non-Treponemal Test Result (STD)  2 ,  1 
Null Flavor (HL7 V3)  1 
Number Of Lesions (VZ)  2 
Number Of Sex Partners (Hepatitis)  1 
Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day (CO)  1 
Occupation Risk Category (TB)  1 
Organism (FDD)  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Organism Name (Brucellosis)  1 
Other Related Cases  1 
Outbreak Type (FDD)  2 
Oxacillin Interpretation (IPD)  1 
PCR Specimen Source (CRS)  2 ,  1 
PCR Specimen Source (VZ)  3 ,  2 
Parotitis Laterality (Mumps)  2 ,  1 
Passed Failed Unknown  1 
Patient Outcome (Listeria)  1 
Performing Lab Type (Anthrax)  1 
Performing Lab Type (RIBD)  1 
Performing Lab Type (Trich)  1 
Performing Laboratory Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Performing Laboratory Type (VPD)  1 
Person/Organization Taking CO Reading (CO)  1 
Personal Protective Equipment (RIBD)  1 
Place of Death (NCHS)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Poison Control Center Record (CO)  2 ,  1 
Pork Type (FDD)  1 
Positive Negative Unknown  1 
Positive Negative Unknown Not Done  1 
Pre-Pregnancy SerologicalTestInterp (CRS)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Outcome (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Outcome (Leptospirosis)  1 
Pregnancy Outcome (Listeria)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Status (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Treatment Stage (NND)  1 
Pregnancy Trimester  2 
Prenatal Care Provider (Rubella)  1 
Present Absent Unknown Not Examined  1 
Previous Treatment Duration (Hansen)  1 
Primary Reason For Evaluation (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Procedure Type (Anthrax)  1 
Public Private Lab  1 
Public Site of Exposure (CO)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Quantitative Syphilis Test Result (STD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Race (NCHS)  2 
Race Category including Null Flavor  1 
Race Category including Refused  1 
Race Category including Unknown  1 
Rash Distribution (VZ)  1 
Raw Unpasteurized Products (FDD)  1 
Reason For Test (Hepatitis)  2 ,  1 
Reason Medication Not Completed (BSP)  1 
Reason Not Treated with RIPE (TB)  3 
Reason Therapy Stopped (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Reason for Hospitalization (VZ)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Reason for Missing Test (NND)  1 
Reason for Test (COVID-19)  1 
Recreational H2O Treatment (FDD)  2 
Relationship (Hansen)  1 
Relationship (VPD)  1 
Reporting Source Type  2 
Residence Location (RIBD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Residence Type (COVID-19)  1 
Residential Site of Exposure (CO)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RIBD)  1 
Respondent (Listeria)  1 
Result of Radiology Study (TB)  1 
Risk Factor (COVID-19)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Rodent Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Route of Administration (STD)  3 
SPN/IPD Serotype (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
STEC Nonculture Test Type (BIDS)  1 
School Year (RIBD)  1 
Seafood Preparation (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Seafood Purchase Info (FDD)  1 
Seafood Source (FDD)  1 
Sequelae (Hansen)  1 
Sequelae (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Serogroup (NETSS)  1 
Serogroup Method (RIBD)  1 
Serotype (Arbovirus)  1 
Serotype (Dengue)  1 
Serotype (NETSS)  1 
Serotype Master (RIBD)  1 
Serotype Method (IPD)  1 
Serotype Method (RIBD)  1 
Setting of Further Spread  1 
Sexual Contact (FDD)  1 
Sexual Orientation  2 ,  1 
Sexual Orientation (STD)  1 
Sexual Orientation (USCDI)  1 
Sexual Preference (NETSS)  1 
Shellfish Distributed (FDD)  1 
Sick Animal Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Signs Symptoms (CS)  1 
Signs and Symptoms (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Signs and Symptoms (Listeria)  1 
Signs and Symptoms (Measles)  3 
Signs and Symptoms (Mumps)  3 ,  2 
Signs and Symptoms (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Signs and Symptoms (Rubella)  3 
Sites of Directly Observed Therapy (TB)  1 
Skin Exposure (FDD)  1 
Smoking Status (Anthrax)  1 
Smoking Status (RIBD)  1 
Source of Laboratory Test (Hepatitis)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Specimen Collection Setting Type (C. auris)  2 ,  1 
Specimen From Mother Or Infant (CRS)  2 ,  1 
Specimen Source (CP-CRE)  1 
Specimen Source (CRS)  2 
Specimen Source (STD)  2 ,  1 
Specimen Source Site (Anthrax)  1 
Specimen Source Site (Brucellosis)  1 
Specimen Source Site (Leptospirosis)  1 
Specimen Source Site (VPD)  1 
Specimen Type (Anthrax)  1 
Specimen Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Specimen Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Specimen Type (RIBD)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Specimen type (ARLN)  1 
Specimen type (Trich)  1 
Sputum Culture Conversion Not Documented Reason  2 ,  1 
States Territories Provinces (NCHS)  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Stay Period Hepatitis (NETSS)  1 
Sterile Specimen (Pediatric Flu)  1 
Strain Type (Trich)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Strain Type (VZ)  1 
Substance Abuse (RIBD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Substance Treatment Refusal Reason  1 
Susceptibility Data NA (RIBD)  1 
Susceptibility Interpretation (RIBD)  3 
Susceptibility Result  1 
Susceptibility Result (IPD)  1 
Susceptibility Test Interpretation (TB)  2 ,  1 
Suspected Food Consumed (FDD)  1 
Swimming Pool Type (FDD)  1 
Syphilis Clinical Stage (CS)  1 
Syphilis Neurologic Involvement (STD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Syphilis Surveillance Stage (CS)  2 ,  1 
Syphilis Treatment Infant (CS)  1 
Syphilis Treatment Mother (CS)  1 
Tap Water Source (FDD)  1 
Tattoo Obtained From (Hepatitis)  2 ,  1 
Test Method (FDD)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Test Method EIA IgM  1 
Test Result (FDD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Test Result (Hepatitis A)  1 
Test Result (Hepatitis)  1 
Test Result Coded Qualitative  1 
Test Results (Brucellosis)  1 
Test Titer Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Test Type (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Tetanus Type (VPD)  1 
Therapy Extended Reason (TB)  3 ,  2 
Time Period Tetanus (NETSS)  1 
Time Units (NCHS)  1 
Timing of Maternal Treatment (NND)  2 ,  1 
Titer Test Method (RIBD)  1 
Titer Test Type (RIBD)  1 
Total Doses of Vaccine (Anthrax)  1 
Transmission Setting (NETSS)  1 
Transmission Setting (NND)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Travel Purpose  2 
Travel Purpose (CDC)  1 
Travel Reason (Hepatitis A)  1 
Travel Reason (Malaria)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Treatment Location (CO)  1 
Treatment Outcome Tetanus (VPD)  1 
Treatment Site (CO)  2 
Treatment Type (Anthrax)  1 
Treatment Type (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Treponemal Serologic Test (STD)  2 ,  1 
Tribe Name (NND)  2 ,  1 
Type Of Complication (CRS)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Type Of Complication (Rubella)  4 
Type of Complication (Measles)  2 
Type of Complication (STD)  1 
Type of Correctional Facility  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Type of Deafness (Mumps)  2 ,  1 
Type of Long Term Care Facility  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Type of Testing at CDC  2 ,  1 
Type of Testing at CDC (NND)  1 
Type of Testing at CDC (VZ)  1 
Type of Testing at CDC(Rubella)  1 
Underlying Condition (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Underlying Condition(s) (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Underlying Conditions  1 
Underlying Conditions (CO)  3 ,  2 
Underlying Conditions (IPD)  2 
Usual Occupation and Industry (TB)  2 ,  1 
VDRL Test Result (NND)  1 
VPD Laboratory Coded Observation  3 ,  2 ,  1 
VPD Specimen Type  6 ,  5 ,  4 
Vaccination Location (CRA)  1 
Vaccine Doses Received (Pertussis)  1 
Vaccine Doses Received (Tetanus)  1 
Vaccine Event Information Source (NND)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Vaccine Exposure (Brucellosis)  1 
Vaccine Not Given Reason  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Vaccine Not Given Reasons (NETSS)  1 
Vaccines Administered (NETSS)  1 
Vaccines Administered (VZ)  2 
Vibrio Biotype (BIDS)  1 
Vibrio Cholera Biotype (FDD)  1 
Vibrio Cholera Serotype (FDD)  1 
Vibrio Cholera Toxin Test Type (BIDS)  1 
Vibrio Serotype (BIDS)  1 
Vital Records Education Level (NCHS)  1 
Water Salinity (FDD)  1 
Water Source (RIBD)  1 
Well Water Treatment (FDD)  1 
Workers Compensation Record (CO)  2 ,  1 
Wound Depth Tetanus (NETSS)  1 
Wound History  1 
X-Ray Result (CS)  1 
YNRD (CDC)  4 ,  3 
Yes No Don't Know Maybe (FDD)  1 
Yes No Unknown (YNU)  1 
Yes No Unknown Maybe (FDD)  1 
Yes No Unknown NA (NND)  1 
Yes No Unknown No Answer  1 
Yes No Unknown Not Done  1 
Yes No Unknown Refused (Listeria)  1 
Yes No Unknown Refused (NND)  1