Value Set and Code System Information
Code System Name NullFlavor
Value Set Code PHVS_VaccineEventInformationSource_NND
Value Set Name Vaccine Event Information Source (NND)
Value Set Version 1
Value Set Concept Details
Concept Code UNK
Preferred Concept Name unknown
Value Set Concept Status Published
Value Set Concept Status Date 01/25/2016
Value Set Concept Description A proper value is applicable, but not known.
Code System Concept Details
Code System Concept Name unknown
Code System Concept Status Published
Code System Preferred Concept Name unknown
Date Created
Date Revised 05/01/2009
Associated Value Sets
Value Set Name Version(s)
Abnormal Chest X-Ray Finding (TB)  1 
Abnormal Chest X-ray Condition Status  1 
Activity Type (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Activity Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Activity Type Anthrax  1 
Actual Route of Administration (Anthrax)  1 
Acute Convalescent IgG Difference (VPD)  1 
Age Group (Flu)  1 
Age Unit (NETSS)  2 ,  1 
Age Unit (NND)  1 
Age Unit (Syndromic Surveillance)  1 
Age unit  2 ,  1 
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Result (Hepatitis)  2 ,  1 
Animal Exposure Location (Brucellosis)  1 
Animal Ownership (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Animal Species (Animal Rabies)  1 
Animal Type (Anthrax)  1 
Animal Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Animal Type (COVID-19)  1 
Animal Type (FDD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Animal Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Antacids (FDD)  1 
Antibiotic Dose Units (Brucellosis)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Antibiotic Reason (RIBD)  1 
Antibiotic Received (Pertussis)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Antibiotic Received (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Antibiotic Treatment (NETSS)  1 
Antibiotics (FDD)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Antimicrobials (Anthrax)  1 
Assisted Living Exposure Type (RIBD)  1 
Bacterial Infection Syndrome (IPD)  1 
Bird Type (RIBD)  1 
Birth Attendant Titles (NCHS)  3 
Birth Attendees (VPD)  1 
Birth Country  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Birth Location (Listeria)  1 
Birth Location (RIBD)  1 
Birth Location (VPD)  1 
Birth Outcome (Rubella)  2 ,  1 
Birth Outcome (VPD)  1 
Birth Status (NND)  1 
Birth or Delivery Occurred (NCHS)  2 
Blood Contact Frequency (Hepatitis)  1 
Blood Product  1 
Body Region(s) of Rash  2 ,  1 
Brucella Exposure (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
CSF WBC Protein Result (NND)  1 
Campylobacter Nonculture Test Type (BIDS)  1 
Case Class Status (NETSS)  1 
Case Classification Exposure Source  2 ,  1 
Case Classification Status  1 
Case Detection Method  3 ,  2 
Case Investigation Status  3 ,  2 
Case Traced to Carrier  1 
Case Transmission Mode (BIDS)  1 
Case Type (CP-CRE)  1 
Cause of Death Related to TB  1 
Character of Lesions  2 ,  1 
Chest XRay Result  1 
Clinical Finding (COVID-19)  1 
Clinical Manifestations (Anthrax)  1 
Clinical Manifestations (Brucellosis)  1 
Clinical Manifestations (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Clinical Manifestations (STD)  1 
Clinical Outcome (Anthrax)  1 
Clinical Syndrome (Arbovirus)  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Clinician Observed Lesions (STD)  1 
College Living Situation (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Colony Count Magnitude  2 ,  1 
Common-Source Outbreak (Hepatitis A)  1 
Complications (Mumps)  7 ,  6 ,  5 
Condition Status (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Contact Type (Anthrax)  1 
Contact Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Contact Type (COVID-19)  1 
Contact Type (Hepatitis A)  1 
Contact Type (Hepatitis B and C)  1 
Contact Type (RIBD)  1 
Contact Type Hepatitis A (NETSS)  1 
Contributory Tobacco Use (NCHS)  3 ,  2 
Country  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 
Country of Product Acquisition (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
County  3 ,  2 
Critical Infrastructure Sector (NND)  1 
Cruise Line (RIBD)  1 
Current Sex (NND)  1 
Darkfield DFA Result (CS)  1 
Data Reporting Source (CO)  2 ,  1 
Data Reporting Source (COVID-19)  1 
Day Care Setting (FDD)  1 
Decedent Education Level (NCHS)  1 
Definitely Possibly No (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Delivery Routes (NCHS)  2 
Delivery Type (RIBD)  1 
Detection Method (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Detection Method (STD)  2 
Diabetes Status  1 
Diagnosed Pneumonia By (VZ)  1 
Diagnosed by (VZ)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Diagnostic Lab Test Findings (NND)  1 
Diagnostic Test Finding (Anthrax)  1 
Diet Type (Anthrax)  1 
Directly Observed Therapy (TB)  1 
Discharge Location (RIBD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Disease Acquired Jurisdiction  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Disease Acquired Jurisdiction (NETSS)  1 
Disease Outcome Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Disease Stage (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Disposition OPD (NCHS)  1 
Division Vital Statistics (County)  1 
Drinking Water (FDD)  1 
Duration Unit  2 ,  1 
Duration Unit (1)  1 
E. coli Shiga Toxin (BIDS)  1 
E. coli Shiga Toxin Test Type (BIDS)  1 
Emergency Department Acuity  1 
Employment Status  1 
Employment Status (Flu)  1 
Epilinked Case Type (VZ)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Establishment Type (RIBD)  1 
Ethnicity (ARLN)  1 
Ethnicity Detail (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Ethnicity Group (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Ethnicity Group including Unknown  2 ,  1 
Exposure Location (Brucellosis)  1 
Exposure Risk (Brucellosis)  1 
Exposure Setting (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Exposure Setting Master (RIBD)  1 
Exposure Site Category (CO)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Exposure Source (Anthrax)  1 
Exposure Source (Brucellosis)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Exposure Source (CO)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Exposure Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Extended Race Group (Listeria)  1 
Extreme Weather Type (CO)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Facility Type (RIBD)  1 
Fetal Death Cause or Condition (NCHS)  1 
Fetal Death Time Points (NCHS)  1 
Fetal Neonatal Infection Type (FDD)  1 
Fetal Neonatal Specimen Type  1 
Fetal Outcome (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Fetal Presentations (NCHS)  3 
Fetal Remains Disposition Method (NCHS)  1 
Final Treatment Outcome (TB)  1 
Follow-up Attempt Outcome (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Food Cooking Method (FDD)  1 
Food Cooking Method (Trich)  1 
Food Processing Method (FDD)  1 
Food Processing Method (Trich)  1 
Food Product Consumed (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Berries (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Herbs (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Produce (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Fresh Water or Mud Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
GAS Risk Factor Interval (RIBD)  1 
Gender (ARLN)  1 
Gender Identity  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Gender Identity (NNDSS)  1 
Gender Identity (STD)  1 
General Condition Status  1 
Generator Distance (CO)  3 ,  2 
Generator Location (CO)  4 
Genotype (Measles)  1 
Genotype (Rubella)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Geographic Region (NETSS)  1 
Gestational Age Determination (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Glove Material (RIBD)  1 
H. influenzae Serotype (RIBD)  1 
HBV DNA Test Result (Hepatitis B Perinatal)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
HBeAg Test Result (Hepatitis B Perinatal)  1 
HBsAg Test Result (Hepatitis B Perinatal)  1 
HIV Diagnosis Based On  1 
HIV Status  1 
HIV Status (STD)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Health Care Practice Type (TB)  1 
Healthcare Exposure Type (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Healthcare Occupation (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Heated Food (Listeria)  1 
Hispanic Ethnic Group (Listeria)  1 
Hospital Procedure (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
IgM Test Type (VZ)  1 
Illness (Listeria)  2 ,  1 
Immigration Status  1 
Immunization Funding Source (IIS)  1 
Immunization Information Source (CRS)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Infant Anti-HCVTest Result (Hepatitis C Perinatal)  1 
Infant HCV Antigen Test Result (Hepatitis C)  1 
Infant Nucleic Acid Test Result (Hepatitis C)  1 
Infection Type (RIBD)  1 
Injury Occurred Environment (NETSS)  1 
Injury Occurred Environment (VPD)  1 
Injury Type (NETSS)  1 
Injury Type (VPD)  1 
Insurance Type (RIBD)  1 
Intent of Exposure (CO)  1 
Job Setting (COVID-19)  1 
Lab Result (Pertussis)  1 
Lab Result (Rubella)  1 
Lab Test (Hansen)  2 
Lab Test Interpretation  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Legionellosis)  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Pertussis)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Trich)  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (VPD)  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation (Varicella)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Interpretation Master (RIBD)  1 
Lab Test Method (MDRO)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Method (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Lab Test Procedure (Malaria)  1 
Lab Test Procedure (Rubella)  6 ,  5 ,  4 
Lab Test Reactivity (NND)  1 
Lab Test Result (PHLIP Flu)  14 
Lab Test Result Interpretation (NND)  2 
Lab Test Result Lyme (NETSS)  1 
Lab Test Result Qualitative (NND)  3 ,  2 
Lab Test Result Qualitative (Syphilis)  1 
Lab Test Type (Babesiosis)  2 
Lab Test Type (Mumps)  6 ,  5 
Lab Test Type (Pertussis)  6 ,  5 
Late Clinical Manifestation (STD)  1 
Legionella Exposure Setting (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Legionellosis Serogroup (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Lettuce Type (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Likely Contact (Listeria)  1 
LikelyAte (Listeria)  1 
Location Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Manufacturers Of Vaccines (NETSS)  1 
Marital Status HL7  1 
Maternal Infection (FDD)  1 
Meat Consumed Type (Trich)  1 
Meat Purchase Info (FDD)  1 
Meat Purchase Info (Trich)  1 
Medical History (Listeria)  1 
Medication (Brucellosis)  1 
Medication (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Medication Administered (Anthrax)  1 
Medication Administered (FDD)  1 
Medication Administered (Hansen)  1 
Medication Completed (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Medication Missed (Malaria)  1 
Medication Prophylaxis (Malaria)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Medication Received (Lyme)  3 
Medication Received (TBRD)  2 
Medication Received (VZ)  3 
Medication Route (STD)  1 
Medication Treatment (Malaria)  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Medication Treatment (STD)  1 
Methods of Disposition (NCHS)  2 ,  1 
Microorganism (RIBD)  1 
Microorganism (STD)  1 
Microscopic Exam Culture Site (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Mode of Delivery (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Molecular Indel (TB)  1 
Molecular Test Methods (TB)  1 
Molecular Test Results (TB)  1 
Mother Nucleic Acid Test Result (Perinatal Hep)  1 
N. meningitidis Serogroup (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Neurological Manifestation (STD)  2 ,  1 
No Case Reason (CRS)  1 
Non Pork Type (FDD)  1 
Non-Sterile Specimen (Pediatric Flu)  1 
Non-Treponemal Test Result (STD)  2 ,  1 
Null Flavor (HL7 V3)  1 
Number Of Lesions (VZ)  2 
Number Of Sex Partners (Hepatitis)  1 
Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day (CO)  1 
Occupation Risk Category (TB)  1 
Organism (FDD)  6 ,  5 ,  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Organism Name (Brucellosis)  1 
Other Related Cases  1 
Outbreak Type (FDD)  2 
Oxacillin Interpretation (IPD)  1 
PCR Specimen Source (CRS)  2 ,  1 
PCR Specimen Source (VZ)  3 ,  2 
Parotitis Laterality (Mumps)  2 ,  1 
Passed Failed Unknown  1 
Patient Outcome (Listeria)  1 
Performing Lab Type (Anthrax)  1 
Performing Lab Type (RIBD)  1 
Performing Lab Type (Trich)  1 
Performing Laboratory Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Performing Laboratory Type (VPD)  1 
Person/Organization Taking CO Reading (CO)  1 
Personal Protective Equipment (RIBD)  1 
Place of Death (NCHS)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Poison Control Center Record (CO)  2 ,  1 
Pork Type (FDD)  1 
Positive Negative Unknown  1 
Positive Negative Unknown Not Done  1 
Pre-Pregnancy SerologicalTestInterp (CRS)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Outcome (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Outcome (Leptospirosis)  1 
Pregnancy Outcome (Listeria)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Status (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Pregnancy Treatment Stage (NND)  1 
Pregnancy Trimester  2 
Prenatal Care Provider (Rubella)  1 
Present Absent Unknown Not Examined  1 
Previous Treatment Duration (Hansen)  1 
Primary Reason For Evaluation (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Procedure Type (Anthrax)  1 
Public Private Lab  1 
Public Site of Exposure (CO)  4 ,  3 ,  2 
Quantitative Syphilis Test Result (STD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Race (NCHS)  2 
Race Category including Null Flavor  1 
Race Category including Refused  1 
Race Category including Unknown  1 
Rash Distribution (VZ)  1 
Raw Unpasteurized Products (FDD)  1 
Reason For Test (Hepatitis)  2 ,  1 
Reason Medication Not Completed (BSP)  1 
Reason Not Treated with RIPE (TB)  3 
Reason Therapy Stopped (TB)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Reason for Hospitalization (VZ)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Reason for Missing Test (NND)  1 
Reason for Test (COVID-19)  1 
Recreational H2O Treatment (FDD)  2 
Relationship (Hansen)  1 
Relationship (VPD)  1 
Reporting Source Type  2 
Residence Location (RIBD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Residence Type (COVID-19)  1 
Residential Site of Exposure (CO)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RIBD)  1 
Respondent (Listeria)  1 
Result of Radiology Study (TB)  1 
Risk Factor (COVID-19)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Rodent Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Route of Administration (STD)  3 
SPN/IPD Serotype (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
STEC Nonculture Test Type (BIDS)  1 
School Year (RIBD)  1 
Seafood Preparation (FDD)  2 ,  1 
Seafood Purchase Info (FDD)  1 
Seafood Source (FDD)  1 
Sequelae (Hansen)  1 
Sequelae (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Serogroup (NETSS)  1 
Serogroup Method (RIBD)  1 
Serotype (Arbovirus)  1 
Serotype (Dengue)  1 
Serotype (NETSS)  1 
Serotype Master (RIBD)  1 
Serotype Method (IPD)  1 
Serotype Method (RIBD)  1 
Setting of Further Spread  1 
Sexual Contact (FDD)  1 
Sexual Orientation  2 ,  1 
Sexual Orientation (STD)  1 
Sexual Orientation (USCDI)  1 
Sexual Preference (NETSS)  1 
Shellfish Distributed (FDD)  1 
Sick Animal Type (Leptospirosis)  1 
Signs Symptoms (CS)  1 
Signs and Symptoms (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Signs and Symptoms (Listeria)  1 
Signs and Symptoms (Measles)  3 
Signs and Symptoms (Mumps)  3 ,  2 
Signs and Symptoms (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Signs and Symptoms (Rubella)  3 
Sites of Directly Observed Therapy (TB)  1 
Skin Exposure (FDD)  1 
Smoking Status (Anthrax)  1 
Smoking Status (RIBD)  1 
Source of Laboratory Test (Hepatitis)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Specimen Collection Setting Type (C. auris)  2 ,  1 
Specimen From Mother Or Infant (CRS)  2 ,  1 
Specimen Source (CP-CRE)  1 
Specimen Source (CRS)  2 
Specimen Source (STD)  2 ,  1 
Specimen Source Site (Anthrax)  1 
Specimen Source Site (Brucellosis)  1 
Specimen Source Site (Leptospirosis)  1 
Specimen Source Site (VPD)  1 
Specimen Type (Anthrax)  1 
Specimen Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Specimen Type (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Specimen Type (RIBD)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Specimen type (ARLN)  1 
Specimen type (Trich)  1 
Sputum Culture Conversion Not Documented Reason  2 ,  1 
States Territories Provinces (NCHS)  7 ,  6 ,  5 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Stay Period Hepatitis (NETSS)  1 
Sterile Specimen (Pediatric Flu)  1 
Strain Type (Trich)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Strain Type (VZ)  1 
Substance Abuse (RIBD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Substance Treatment Refusal Reason  1 
Susceptibility Data NA (RIBD)  1 
Susceptibility Interpretation (RIBD)  3 
Susceptibility Result  1 
Susceptibility Result (IPD)  1 
Susceptibility Test Interpretation (TB)  2 ,  1 
Suspected Food Consumed (FDD)  1 
Swimming Pool Type (FDD)  1 
Syphilis Clinical Stage (CS)  1 
Syphilis Neurologic Involvement (STD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Syphilis Surveillance Stage (CS)  2 ,  1 
Syphilis Treatment Infant (CS)  1 
Syphilis Treatment Mother (CS)  1 
Tap Water Source (FDD)  1 
Tattoo Obtained From (Hepatitis)  2 ,  1 
Test Method (FDD)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Test Method EIA IgM  1 
Test Result (FDD)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Test Result (Hepatitis A)  1 
Test Result (Hepatitis)  1 
Test Result Coded Qualitative  1 
Test Results (Brucellosis)  1 
Test Titer Type (Brucellosis)  1 
Test Type (Brucellosis)  2 ,  1 
Tetanus Type (VPD)  1 
Therapy Extended Reason (TB)  3 ,  2 
Time Period Tetanus (NETSS)  1 
Time Units (NCHS)  1 
Timing of Maternal Treatment (NND)  2 ,  1 
Titer Test Method (RIBD)  1 
Titer Test Type (RIBD)  1 
Total Doses of Vaccine (Anthrax)  1 
Transmission Setting (NETSS)  1 
Transmission Setting (NND)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Travel Purpose  2 
Travel Purpose (CDC)  1 
Travel Reason (Hepatitis A)  1 
Travel Reason (Malaria)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Treatment Location (CO)  1 
Treatment Outcome Tetanus (VPD)  1 
Treatment Site (CO)  2 
Treatment Type (Anthrax)  1 
Treatment Type (COVID-19)  2 ,  1 
Treponemal Serologic Test (STD)  2 ,  1 
Tribe Name (NND)  2 ,  1 
Type Of Complication (CRS)  4 ,  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Type Of Complication (Rubella)  4 
Type of Complication (Measles)  2 
Type of Complication (STD)  1 
Type of Correctional Facility  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Type of Deafness (Mumps)  2 ,  1 
Type of Long Term Care Facility  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Type of Testing at CDC  2 ,  1 
Type of Testing at CDC (NND)  1 
Type of Testing at CDC (VZ)  1 
Type of Testing at CDC(Rubella)  1 
Underlying Condition (RIBD)  2 ,  1 
Underlying Condition(s) (Leptospirosis)  2 ,  1 
Underlying Conditions  1 
Underlying Conditions (CO)  3 ,  2 
Underlying Conditions (IPD)  2 
Usual Occupation and Industry (TB)  2 ,  1 
VDRL Test Result (NND)  1 
VPD Laboratory Coded Observation  3 ,  2 ,  1 
VPD Specimen Type  6 ,  5 ,  4 
Vaccination Location (CRA)  1 
Vaccine Doses Received (Pertussis)  1 
Vaccine Doses Received (Tetanus)  1 
Vaccine Event Information Source (NND)  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Vaccine Exposure (Brucellosis)  1 
Vaccine Not Given Reason  3 ,  2 ,  1 
Vaccine Not Given Reasons (NETSS)  1 
Vaccines Administered (NETSS)  1 
Vaccines Administered (VZ)  2 
Vibrio Biotype (BIDS)  1 
Vibrio Cholera Biotype (FDD)  1 
Vibrio Cholera Serotype (FDD)  1 
Vibrio Cholera Toxin Test Type (BIDS)  1 
Vibrio Serotype (BIDS)  1 
Vital Records Education Level (NCHS)  1 
Water Salinity (FDD)  1 
Water Source (RIBD)  1 
Well Water Treatment (FDD)  1 
Workers Compensation Record (CO)  2 ,  1 
Wound Depth Tetanus (NETSS)  1 
Wound History  1 
X-Ray Result (CS)  1 
YNRD (CDC)  4 ,  3 
Yes No Don't Know Maybe (FDD)  1 
Yes No Unknown (YNU)  1 
Yes No Unknown Maybe (FDD)  1 
Yes No Unknown NA (NND)  1 
Yes No Unknown No Answer  1 
Yes No Unknown Not Done  1 
Yes No Unknown Refused (Listeria)  1 
Yes No Unknown Refused (NND)  1