Value Set and Code System Information
Code System Name | SNOMED-CT |
Value Set Code | PHVS_SusceptibilityInterpretation_RIBD |
Value Set Name | Susceptibility Interpretation (RIBD) |
Value Set Version | 2 |
Value Set Concept Details
Concept Code | 385660001 |
Preferred Concept Name | Not done |
Value Set Concept Status | Published |
Value Set Concept Status Date | 04/17/2018 |
Value Set Concept Description | |
Sequence |
Code System Concept Details
Code System Concept Name | Not done (qualifier value) |
Code System Concept Status | Published |
Code System Preferred Concept Name | Not done (qualifier value) |
Date Created | 01/31/2003 |
Date Revised | 01/31/2003 |
Associated Value Sets
Value Set Name | Version(s) | |
Acute Convalescent IgG Difference (VPD) | 1 | |
Chest XRay Result | 1 | |
Gene Name (CP-CRE) | 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Gene Name (CPO) | 1 | |
Genotypic Test Result (CP-CRE) | 1 | |
H. influenzae Serotype (RIBD) | 1 | |
Lab Result (Pertussis) | 1 | |
Lab Result (Rubella) | 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation | 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (Legionellosis) | 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (Pertussis) | 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (RIBD) | 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (TB) | 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (Trich) | 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (VPD) | 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation (Varicella) | 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Interpretation Master (RIBD) | 1 | |
Lab Test Method (MDRO) | 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Lab Test Procedure (Malaria) | 1 | |
Lab Test Result Lyme (NETSS) | 1 | |
Legionellosis Serogroup (RIBD) | 2 | |
Modifier or Qualifier | 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 | |
N. meningitidis Serogroup (RIBD) | 2 , 1 | |
Oxacillin Interpretation (IPD) | 1 | |
Positive Negative Not Done | 1 | |
Positive Negative Unknown Not Done | 1 | |
Result of Radiology Study (TB) | 1 | |
SPN/IPD Serotype (RIBD) | 2 | |
Serotype Master (RIBD) | 1 | |
Strain Type (Trich) | 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Susceptibility Data NA (RIBD) | 1 | |
Susceptibility Interpretation (RIBD) | 3 , 2 , 1 | |
Susceptibility Result | 1 | |
Susceptibility Result (IPD) | 1 | |
Susceptibility Test Interpretation (TB) | 2 | |
Test Result (CP-CRE) | 2 , 1 | |
Test Result (CPO) | 1 | |
Test Result (FDD) | 3 , 2 , 1 |