Value Set Information
Value Set Code PHVS_LabTestName_CDC Download Value Set Download Value SetDownload Value SetDownload Value Set
Value Set Name Lab Test Result Name
Value Set OID 2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.1002
Value Set Description Laboratory Resulted Test identifiers and names - LOINC is the starter set Subscribe
Version History

        Concept Code Concept Name Preferred Concept Name Code System Value Set  
30974-0 # brothers and sisters Number of brothers and sisters LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
44655-9 # CA pos tissue chips CAP prot Number of carcinoma positive tissue chips CAP cancer protocols LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
70109-4 # chromosome 13 Amn PCR Number of chromosome 13 present [#] in Amniotic fluid by Probe and target amplification method LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
70110-2 # chromosome 18 Amn PCR Number of chromosome 18 present [#] in Amniotic fluid by Probe and target amplification method LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
70111-0 # chromosome 21 Amn PCR Number of chromosome 21 present [#] in Amniotic fluid by Probe and target amplification method LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
66324-5 # D AG was worn on PhenX Records how many days the actigraph was worn on actigraph return and reading form [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
66313-8 # D AG worn PhenX How many days was actigraph worn [#] [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
66314-6 # D AG worn valid PhenX How many of the days that the actiGraph was worn were valid [#] [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
30950-0 # days hospitalized due to vacc AE Number of days hospitalized due to vaccination adverse event LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
59782-3 # doses primary immunization series Number of doses in primary immunization series LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
65381-6 # Ds miss school nRate PhenX Because of your headaches on how many days in the last 3 months did you miss work or school [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
65383-2 # Ds no housework nRate PhenX Because of your headaches on how many days in the last 3 months did you not do household work [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
67135-4 # Ds pain nRate PhenX On how many days in the past 12 months have you had this pain [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
65382-4 # Ds reduced productiv nRate PhenX Because of your headaches on how many days in the last 3 months was your productivity at work or school reduced by half or more [PhenX] LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details
55214-1 # F Sex Prtnrs 6M Bfr Symp nRate Number of female sexual partners in 6 months before symptom onset LOINC Lab Test Result Name Details